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Hungary Government To Withdraw From Eu Asylum System

Hungary: Government to Withdraw from EU Asylum System


Hungary has been a member of the European Union (EU) since 2004. As an EU member, Hungary has been required to participate in the EU's asylum system, which includes accepting a share of asylum seekers who are seeking protection in Europe.

In recent years, Hungary has been increasingly critical of the EU's asylum system, arguing that it is unfair to Hungary and other frontline states. Hungary has also accused the EU of failing to do enough to help frontline states cope with the migration crisis.

Government's Decision

On 19 May 2023, the Hungarian government announced its intention to withdraw from the EU's asylum system. The government said that it would no longer accept asylum seekers who are relocated to Hungary under the EU's Dublin Regulation.

The government's decision was met with criticism from the EU. The European Commission said that Hungary's decision was "unilateral" and that it "undermined the integrity" of the EU's asylum system.

Implications of the Decision

Hungary's withdrawal from the EU's asylum system has a number of implications.

  • It means that Hungary will no longer be required to accept asylum seekers who are relocated to Hungary under the Dublin Regulation.
  • It could lead to an increase in the number of asylum seekers who are stranded in other EU countries.
  • It could damage Hungary's relationship with the EU.


Hungary's decision to withdraw from the EU's asylum system is a significant development. It is likely to have a number of implications for Hungary, the EU, and asylum seekers.
